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When Your Son Goes MAGA

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  • Post last modified:January 19, 2025

It is easy for Alex Behr to gush about her son, Eli, whom she describes as a generous and thoughtful college junior who had a serious skateboarding phase. It is much harder for her to talk about his politics. Ms. Behr, 59, is a Democrat in Portland, Ore., who voted enthusiastically for Vice President Kamala Harris in the November election. She and her ex-husband were appalled that Eli, 20, decided to cast his first vote in a presidential election this fall for Donald J. Trump.

When Eli brought a “Make America Great Again” hat home from college this summer, Ms. Behr threw it into the corner of his bedroom. They argued about guns, immigration, and abortion, struggling to do so without permanently damaging their relationship.

A few months removed from Mr. Trump’s victory, the two have arrived at an impasse. Ms. Behr worries her son is being swayed by conservative opinions fed to him on YouTube and Instagram. Eli feels like he is simply learning to think for himself — a quality he admires in Mr. Trump.

“Some of my views are changing, but I’m like, ‘I’m going to keep an open mind and listen to different perspectives,'” Eli said in an interview. “It seems to me like what he says is coming from him instead of coming from a big cabinet behind him, telling you what to say.”

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