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This Tiny Fish’s Mistaken Identity Halted a Dam’s Construction

  • Post category:Politics
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  • Post last modified:January 4, 2025

For such a tiny fish, the snail darter has haunted Tennessee. It was the endangered species that swam its way to the Supreme Court in a vitriolic battle during the 1970s that temporarily blocked the construction of a dam. On Friday, a team of researchers argued that the fish was a phantom all along. “There is, technically, no snail darter,” said Thomas Near, curator of ichthyology at the Yale Peabody Museum. Dr. Near, also a professor who leads a fish biology lab at Yale, and his colleagues report in the journal Current Biology that the snail darter, Percina tanasi, is neither a distinct species nor a subspecies. Rather, it is an eastern population of Percina uranidea, known also as the stargazing darter, which is not considered endangered.

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