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Climate change, nature loss and food insecurity are all inextricably linked and dealing with them as separate issues won’t work, a major report has warned.
The review of scientific evidence found governments are underestimating or ignoring the links between five key areas – biodiversity, water, food, health and climate change. This “siloed” approach has unintended consequences, such as damaging biodiversity through tree-planting schemes, or polluting rivers while ramping up food production, the report said.
Understanding the value of nature is key to addressing the global biodiversity crisis, according to IPBES scientists.
Understanding the interdependencies between the different areas is “critical” in addressing the crises affecting the natural world… Current governance systems are often fragmented… often these links are not even acknowledged or ignored… often these links result in unintended consequences or trade-offs.
The report also found:
* More than half of the world’s population – especially among developing countries – live in areas hit by the biggest impacts from declines in biodiversity, water and food
* Biodiversity – the richness and variety of all life on Earth – is declining everywhere, largely as a result of human actions
* Delaying action will also increase the costs of delivering policy goals.
* Under current “business as usual” trends, the outcomes will be extremely poor for biodiversity, water quality and human health
Future scenarios do exist that have positive outcomes for people and nature by providing co-benefits across the nexus elements… The future scenarios with the widest nexus benefits are those with actions that focus on sustainable production and consumption in combination with conserving and restoring ecosystems.
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