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Investigation into claims victims’ records accessed

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  • Post last modified:March 7, 2025

A hospital trust is investigating reports that staff may have inappropriately accessed the medical records of the three people killed in the Nottingham attacks. Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19, and Ian Coates, 65, were stabbed to death by Valdo Calocane in the city in June 2023. Dr Manjeet Shehmar, medical director at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, said the trust was investigating “concerns that members of staff may have inappropriately accessed the medical records” of the three victims. The families have been informed of the investigation and will be updated. Dr Shehmar said, “The families of Ian, Grace, and Barnaby have already had to endure much pain and heartache, and I’m truly sorry that this will add further to their suffering.” “Through our investigation, we will find out what happened and will not hesitate to take action as necessary.” The claims of the medical records being accessed inappropriately were first reported by the Daily Mirror. The newspaper quoted the victims’ families as saying the alleged actions were “sickening” and “not just alleged data breaches but gross invasions of privacy and civil liberty”.

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