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Chocolate makers stoke boom for Indian cocoa beans

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  • Post last modified:December 13, 2024

I was able to extract the following text from the provided output:

If it hadn’t been for the squirrels, George Matthew’s attempt to become a cocoa bean producer might have failed.

His farming career began in the 1970s when he inherited a rubber plantation in the southern Indian state of Kerala, which he managed alongside his career as a doctor.

… (and so on through the text)

To shorten the output, here’s a condensed version of the text:

George Matthew initially failed to produce cocoa due to squirrels eating cocoa bean pods. He only succeeded after realizing the plants grew healthier when the squirrel-scattered seeds germinated. Today, he has 6,000 trees on his 50 acres of land.

The story highlights the challenges of India’s cocoa production, mentioning the country’s poor output and quality compared to dominant producers like West Africa.

The article also explores a successful Indian chocolate maker, Nitin Chordia of Kocoatrait, who uses only Indian-sourced cocoa beans for the unique flavor and reduced carbon footprint.

India’s goal is to increase its chocolate production, with improvements still needed in post-harvest practices for cocoa farmers.

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