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Sometimes, All You Need Is a Wacky Shoe

  • Post category:lifestyle
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  • Post last modified:March 1, 2025

At the Ferrari fashion show early Saturday morning, I beheld a shoe that would surely make design professors yank their hair out, that broke several codes of good taste at once, that pretty much distracted me from seeing anything else in the show. As I said to a seat mate at the show, it was the most deranged shoe I could recall seeing in years? I loved it. The toe was chiseled like the schnoz on a proboscis monkey. A belted strap spanned the width of the front, and then the rest of the upper was open in the style of a Venetian slipper.

Everyone has some fetishism, and shoes for me are beautiful objects of design, said Rocco Iannone, the designer of the collection, who wore a similarly chisel-toed loafer. With these, beauty, no doubt, will be in the eye of the beholder.

But beauty isn’t the point. For many seasons now, the most exciting garments and styling for men have felt a little off, a little odd, a little too, too much. Clothes that, outside the safe confines of a runway show, might strike us as peculiar, even ludicrous or laughable.

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