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Offshore wind firms told WWII bomb disposals must be ‘quiet’

  • Post category:Politics
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  • Post last modified:January 22, 2025

The government has ordered offshore energy firms to avoid “noisy” detonations when disposing of unexploded bombs on the seabed, in a bid to protect vulnerable marine life. There are still more than 300,000 pieces of unexploded ordnance from the First and Second World Wars dotted around UK waters, which must be cleared for wind projects to go ahead. Large explosive blasts can kill off whales, dolphins and other sea creatures, and the noise can disrupt their behavior, experts say. The government is working with the Crown Estate and staff from the explosives and offshore wind industries to test and develop new, quieter technologies for bomb clearance. Hardy said the rules will allow more offshore wind farms to be built while protecting vulnerable animals.

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